Products For Gardeners

The Minibed Gardening Trilogy
Minibed Gardening is a comprehensive new framework for gardening success. It was developed by Herrick Kimball in 2016. CLICK HERE for a brief overview of the system.
This Trilogy of yearly reports from 2017 to 2019 has 130 pages and 250 photos. It is packed with ideas and inspiration. CLICK HERE to learn all about what's in this PDF Trilogy download.
PDF Download: $15.95
Now On SALE for Only $8.00 (50% Discount)
CLICK HERE to go to a selection of Minibed Gardening videos from YouTube

The Whizbang Garden Windvane
NEW IN 2023...
This practical wind and weathervane spins on a zephyr and laughs as it rides the fiercest winds. Time-tested for 8 years (and counting). Simple pole-mounted design. Buy one already made, or make your own. Full details and order buttons... Click Here.

Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners
This is a book for gardeners unlike any you have seen before. The large-size paperback has 124 pages and 100 illustrations. It's packed with useful ideas, historical insights, and inspiration for anyone who loves to garden. It also has directions to a secret internet web site with lots of great photos and further information. CLICK HERE to learn all about this unique book. (paperback copies are signed and dated).
Paperback Price: $21.95
(Plus $1 for USA Media Mail Shipping)
PDF Download: $12.95

Whizbang Bucket Irrigation & Fertigation
I created these bucket irrigation kits back in 2012. They are ideal for occasional deep watering of individual plants or small groups of plants. THIS VIDEO shows me using bucket irrigation on fruiting tomato plants in my Minibed garden. You can also use these for fertigation. The fittings are all brass, so they will last a lifetime. Buy the kits from me and you supply a buckets. I have a whole web site about deep watering and fertigation at
Irrigation Kit Price: $18.95 each
(shipping to USA is $8.50 for any quantity ordered)
We don’t have any products to show here right now.

Whizbang Grape Trellis T-Post Connectors
Building a grape trellis support doesn't have to be expensive and difficult. With my grape trellis connectors you can make a solid, freestanding, no-problem grape vine support. The trellis you see in the picture was made by a customer in Oklahoma. He's all ready to plant.
My Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners tells how to make these remarkable fittings. But I also make and sell them. You simply won't find a more practical, and inexpensive) grape trellis support. The fittings can also be used to make freestanding espalier supports. For details about how these fittings work, check out
Grape Trellis Fitting & Hose Clamp: $14.50 each
(shipping to USA is $8.00 for any quantity ordered)
Whizbang T-Post Trellis Span Y-Holders
These Y-Holders allow you to make solid, long-lasting, freestanding trellis spans. Watch the video for the whole story. You can also CLICK HERE for more details. I tell how to make these in my Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners. But I also make and sell them
$14.00 each (includes one hose clamp)
(shipping to USA is $8.00 for any quantity ordered)

Whizbang Pocket Seeder
This is a simple and beautiful tool, made to last a lifetime. I tell the story and show how it works in THIS VIDEO. And you can see more pictures at THIS BLOG POST. These are such a hassle to make that I am no longer making them! My in-stock supply of these is very limited.
Finished Pocket Seeder Price: $25.70
Sold Out as of August 1, 2021

Whizbang Wheel Hoe
After spending a small fortune for a Swiss-made wheel hoe back in 2007, I set to out to make a much more affordable wheel hoe of my own design. In 2009 I introduced the Whizbang Wheel Hoe to the world. Hundreds of Whizbang wheel hoes have been made since then, and feedback from users has been very satisfying. You can read more about this simple and effective weed-cultivating tool at the original Whizbang wheel hoe web site (Click Here). .
CLICK HERE for Parts kits & plans for making your own Whizbang wheel hoe.

Whizbang Garden Cart Plan Book
This book was published in 2007. The cart design is classic and dependable. The step-by-step instructions are clear and complete. A lot of these carts have been made over the years. I've gotten some great feedback. There is a web site for this cart. It is now old and outdated, but you can CLICK HERE and check it out.
Paperback Price: $16.95
(Plus $1 for USA Shipping)
PDF Download: $10.95

Toe-Tapper Faucet Switch
An outdoor sink is a downright handy appliance that every serious gardener can put to good use. And if your outdoor sink has a hands-free Whizbang Toe-Tapper faucet switch, that's so much the better. CLICK HERE for full details.

Whizbang Solar Pyramid Cloches
These are simply amazing. CLICK HERE to read why they are so amazing. I don't sell already-made solar pyramid cloches (yet), but I tell you how to make them in my Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners. THIS BLOG POST shows photos of me making some solar pyramid covers in my kitchen. If you don't want to buy the book, but you still want the how-to details for making and using these unique cloches, you can download a PDF copy of the 6-page chapter from my book. Just click the button below...
Solar Pyramid Cloche PDF: $2.50

Whizbang Pocket Cultivator
Don't laugh. This is a serious little tool. I never go to the garden without it. I make these out of sturdy vintage forks. They are cut short and the bulb is created to prevent palm blisters. CLICK HERE to read more about these. CLICK HERE to see me using one in my garden. Pocket cultivators are ideal for Minibed gardening.
Pocket Cultivator: $21.95
(Free shipping to USA)
Out of Stock

Whizbang Garden Tote
I made two of these for myself years ago. That's one of them in the photo. They are now well weathered but still sturdy, and very useful. Specifications for making a Whizbang garden tote are in my Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners, but if you want just the plans, here's a PDF a copy of the 4-page chapter from the book.
Whizbang Garden Tote PDF: $1.50

My Whizbang Garden Journal System
Most pen-and-paper garden journals are date-based. That's really not practical or useful. I decided to come up with my own plant-based garden journal. CLICK HERE to read all about it. If you want to make your own Whizbang garden journal, you can buy a PDF download of the different blank pages. Simply print them out, hole punch, and put them in a binder.
Garden Journal Pages PDF: $3.00

Making Great Garlic Powder Book
If you have ever tasted homemade garlic powder from your own homegrown garlic, you know it's something special. And if you haven't, you're in for a real treat. Like the title says, this is a complete guide. This 38-page book, originally published in 2003, has been out of print for many years. But with the ability to make PDF downloads, it is available once again!
PDF Download: $3.95
Making Great Garlic Powder has some drawings but no photos. That being the case, I put together a pdf photo tutorial to accompany the book. With 13 pages and 16 photos I explain the process of turning garlic bulbs into powder. If that's all you really want to know (and not any garlic growing information) this inexpensive PDF is all you need.
Photo Tutorial PDF: $1.95

Garlic Powder Profits Report
I had a nice little garlic powder business back between 1998 and 2007. In 2003, along with the publication of Making Great Garlic Powder book, I also published this 27-page Profits Report. I updated it in 2006. Prices in the report are now out of date, but the key information is still pertinent and well worth the price.
Garlic Powder Profits PDF: $6.95

Seed Bank Inventory Page
The age-old problem of organizing all your garden seeds for fast access and simplified inventory oversight is completely solved with my super-simple Whizbang Garden Seed Inventory System.
I explain my "seed bank" system in This YouTube Video, and I show how the inventory page is an integral part of the system. You can make up your own inventory pages, using mine as an example. Or, for only $1.50 you can purchase a ready-to-go PDF download of the page right here. Keep the PDF on your computer and print pages as often as you need them. Nothing could be easier.
Seed Bank Inventory Page PDF: $1.50