Poultry Processing Resources
This page is chock full of useful information and resources for small-farm and backyard poultry producers.

About The Whizbang Plucker
It's the most famous chicken plucker in the world, and for good reason. CLICK HERE to read the story.
To Read Frequently Asked Questions About the Plucker, CLICK HERE
To read customer feedback about the Whizbang plucker, CLICK HERE
Whizbang Plucker Parts
We've been selling plans & parts to people who want to make a Whizbang chicken plucker since 2005. If you just want the plan book, keep scrolling down the page. If you want parts, CLICK HERE
For help with pulling plucker fingers into place, CLICK HERE to see Jim Stachoviak's remarkable homemade finger puller.
Jim's Finger Puller

Whizbang Plucker How-To
Check out these links for helpful how-to...

Poultry Shrink Bags
We've sold sell BPA-free, made-in-the-USA poultry shrink bags to small-farm and backyard poultry producers for many years. They shrink tight and prevent freezer burn. No one sells a better-quality shrink bag. Full details are at our Poultry Shrink Bags web site...

The Whizbang Plucker Plan Book
If you want to build your own amazing Whizbang chicken plucker, this simple plan book shows and tells you how. Nearly 30,000 copies have been sold since the first printing in 2002. Thousands of homemade Whizbang pluckers are now dependably plucking chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese all across America and around the globe.
Paperback Price: $24.95
(Plus $3.50 for USA Shipping)
PDF Download: $15.95
Important Note: As of 1/31/25 my supply of these books is down to one last box. I will probably not reprint because most people now purchase the pdf version (see below). I have increased the $19.95 list price from $19.95 to $24.95 for these very last copies. The cost per book were I to reprint would be 29.95.

Whizbang Chicken Scalder Book
This 68-page plan book tells how to turn a common propane water heater into a deluxe chicken scalder with precise electronic temperature control. The insulated tank and easy-to-clean porcelain enamel interior, coupled with automatic temperature control within a 4-degree range makes this a remarkable scalder. CLICK HERE to see a thorough YouTube explanation of how this scalder is made and works. You can also CLICK HERE to read a blog post, with photos.
Paperback Price: $22.95
(Plus $1 for USA Shipping)
PDF Download: $10.95