The Whizbang Wheel Hoe

The Planet Whizbang wheel hoe design was created by Herrick Kimball (above) in 2019. Hundreds of assemble-it-yourself Whizbang wheel hoe kits have been sold over the the years and the feedback has been powerfully endearing. You can read some of it at THIS LINK.
That link takes you to the original Blogger-format web site for the wheel hoe. The information there is still useful, though somewhat dated.
As of January 30, 2021, we have stopped making wheel hoe parts kits. Herrick has decided to retire this part of his entrepreneurial adventure so he can free up time to pursue other projects.
If the order buttons are in place below, the kits (or other parts) are still in stock, and will be promptly shipped to you.
If you would like to make your own Whizbang wheel hoe from scratch, check out the 23-page specifications & instructions package that is available as an inexpensive PDF download (at the bottom of this page)
UPDATE: I have made a YouTube video explaining how to make a Whizbang wheel hoe. CLICK HERE to watch.
The Metal parts Kit

This hardware parts kit contains all the metal parts you need to build your own wheel hoe. The steel parts are rough-cut so you will need to file away sharp edges and spray-paint the pieces before bolting them together. A 10-page instruction sheet with photos is included, as are heavy-paper templates to help you get the handle grip shape just right.
Wood handles, wood spreader bar, and a wheel are not included in this kit. Most any 12" diameter wheel with a 1/2" center bore will do the job. Many people are now using the Oregon 72-072 wheel at This Amazon Link.
Availability: Sold Out as of 5 September 2021. no longer available.
Price $127.95
(Postage paid to the 48 continental State—Ships by USPS Priority).
The Metal parts Kit
With Handle Spreader Dowel

This hardware parts kit is just like the one described above but it also includes a wood dowel handle spreader, as shown in the foreground. Buying the handle spreader with the kit saves you the trouble of making the handle spreader.
Availability: Sold Out as of 5 September 2021. No longer available.
Price: $134.95
(Postage paid to the 48 continental State—Ships by USPS Priority).
8" Blade Arm, Blade & Oscillator Clamp

I have a limited number of 8" blade arms and blades in stock, as pictured above. This is the hardest part of the hoe to make. My PDF instruction package (at the bottom of this page) tells you what other metal parts you need to make your own wheel hoe, and they can be purchased, cut to length, from I will include an oscillator clamp (also shown above) with this arm & blade deal.
Availability: Sold Out as of 1/22/22. No longer available.
Price $39.95
(Postage paid to the 48 continental State—Ships by USPS Priority).
8" Replacement Blade

This tempered spring steel blade is sized and drilled to fit the Planet Whizbang wheel hoe blade arm. It is chamfer-sharpened and ready to go to work. You have to cultivate a lot of miles of garden soil to wear one of these blades out, but it's always good to have a spare on hand.
Availability: Back in Stock. Supply is Limited. Will no longer be made. Watch This Video For Details.
Price $21.00
(Postage paid to the 48 continental State—Ships by USPS First Class).
Handle Spreader Dowel

Dimensions and how-to for making this handle spreader dowel are in the specifications & instructions PDF download (at the bottom of this page) but you can buy one already made, just like you see above. Supply is limited.
Availability: Out of Stock
Price $10.50
(Postage paid to the 48 continental State—Ships by USPS First Class).
Wheel Hoe Handles
The ash hoe handles we used to sell are now sold out and we will not be getting more. Specifications and step-by step instructions for making your own handles with the classic Planet Jr. pistol grip can be found in the pdf download below. A jig saw and a drill are the basic tools you need for making your own handles. UPDATE: I now have a YouTube video showing how to make your own wheel hoe handles. CLICK HERE
PDF Specifications & Instructions Download

This 23-page pdf download has all the parts specifications for making an inexpensive Planet Whizbang wheel hoe. It has 51 color photos and numerous illustrations. Purchase with the order button below and a PDF download link will be automatically sent to you.
Price $5.99

Herrick Kimball, bending his last production run of wheel hoe blade arms in his workshop. December 2020.